PPP211: Just Keep Swimming

It’s been a while since it was just you and me. – all the way back to 203. 7 episodes.

We’ve had some wonderful guests on over the last several weeks but I’m kind of glad to be a little more personal today.

I wonder, how are you doing? Really??

I’m a little overwhelmed, honestly.

Listen to the full episode here

It seems like all my time is obligated, committed, dedicated.

To good things: husband, children, parents, teaching

To things I’ve signed up for

Time that is no longer “mine”

I think this is a common cycle for parents.

When I with children, I think of the other things I ought to be doing.

When I find time to do something that “I” want to do, I think I’m missing an opportunity to be with my parents.

If I’m not careful, I can take my frustration out on people and things that have nothing to do with my feelings. Bark at Duane. Overreact to my kids. Why are our family, those closest to us, the ones we so easily lash out at?

Am I the only one?

Here is what I'm doing to make it through this season.

  1. Notice the distractions that keep me from getting things done. I spent about 10 minutes looking up synonyms for the words obligated, committed, and dedicated because they didn’t seem to say what I wanted to say. I ended up just using all three. Have you watched The Social Dilemma on Netflix? It’s an eye-opening film about the power of social media. Turn off notifications. Don’t be tempted to just check email “real quick”. The dishes will still be there.

  2. Organize myself. The other day my mind was cluttered with all the things. I opened a fresh page in my bullet journal and started writing them down. Once they were written down, I didn’t have to expend mental energy to keep remembering them and I got the satisfaction of marking them off when they were done. Once things were written down, I felt less overwhelmed. Many of the things rolling around in my head were simply not important. 

  3. Recognize that this is just a season. Just like summer has turned into fall, this time of overwhelm will not last forever. Resolve to keep going. Just like we encourage our piano kids to keep attending lessons, to keep working through that challenging piece of music, we have to remind ourselves to keep moving forward.

  4. Yield. Take a moment to pause and evaluate. This morning I got up before everyone else just to give myself a few minutes of ME time. I prayed and collected my thoughts and feelings. Just like yielding in traffic, I’m not stopping the things that are important to me, I took a moment to merge them with all my other responsibilities.

In the words of that Royal Blue Tang Philosopher, Dory, I'm going to "just keep swimming", but now with less feeling of overwhelm and more focused intention.

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