PPP239: Music Maker – Intervals

Learning to read music and play music fluently is hard. Plain and simple.

Trying to decipher all those unusual symbols and find their matching sound on the piano is a complex endeavor, especially if you are 5-6 years old and simultaneously learning the symbols of the alphabet and trying to read books.

Because of the vast amount of information, mistakes are common, which leads to missed notes, terrible sounds, and frustrated piano kids.

What if we reverse engineer the process? What if children are guided through a process of writing the notes themselves so they can begin to notice the direction and distance from one note to the next?

What if, instead of trying to be instant music interpreters they are able to become music MAKERS?

That is the goal of today’s show and the free download you can snag at the end of this post.

Listen to the full episode here

SPOILER ALERT - here are the answers to the online quiz

If you don’t want to see the answers, stop right now and listen to the episode first. I’ll be here waiting when you’re ready to check your answers.

Letters only interval questions

Step, skip, repeat

          1. BAG
          2. EGG


          1. BEAD
          2. FADE

Intervals on the Piano Keys

Step, skip, repeat

          1. FEE
          2. ACE


          1. AGE
          2. BADGE

Intervals on the Staff

Step, skip, repeat

          1. CAB
          2. FACE


          1. CAGE
          2. FEED

Be sure to complete the form below to receive your PDF download of all the interval puzzles we covered today. Test them on your piano kid and let me know what you think.

Which “words” sound best on your piano? Do any of them sound like the beginning of a song you know? Or, a song you might like to create?

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