PPP 293: Don’t Confuse Basic with Easy

“…some of the most basic things are the most important to master, but most of us won’t do it because it seems too simple.” Vanessa Lau

Listen to the full episode here

Piano Basics

      1. Communicate with your teacher. Learn their expectations.
      2. Set up a practice routine – then follow it!
      3. Learn to read the staff and read lots of music.
      4. Use your hands and fingers efficiently
      5. Listen as you play

Key Signatures Unlocked COURSE

I am excited to build a new online course to enable pianists to be able to use the Circle of 5ths tool and create their own music using key signatures.

As of the recording of this episode, you have the opportunity to join me in customizing this course to include exactly the things you want to learn.

Click here to read more about Key Signatures Unlocked!

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