
Thank you, Becki Laurent and Beth Horton and Caprock MTA for inviting me to join you for your April meeting. You all are so innovative with your teacher workshops and I am honored to be included in the lineup of excellent presenters.

Thanks to you, dear PiPaPod visitor, for checking out the CMTA page on my website. I hope the resources below will be a help to you and your piano families. 

If you have any questions please reach out to me at

I look forward to hearing from you!

~ Shelly

I have three gifts for you.

As you scroll down this page, please notice three categories of information. You are welcome to share any and all of it with your colleagues and your own piano parents.

Podcast Top Hits – I’ve listed some of the most helpful episodes to help build relationships with piano parents as they help their children succeed with piano lessons.

Spring 100 Practice Challenge – As I mentioned in the session, I use practice challenges as external motivation for my students to practice. My gift to you is free access to the entire collection of Spring 100 Practice Trackers.

Piano Parent Encouragement Shareables – We all need to be reminded that what we are doing is worthwhile. Use these posts on your social platforms to let your piano parents know you are cheering for them.

Practice Challenges

Getting parents to buy into the value of practicing between lessons is sometimes a hard sell. Because of this, I host studio-wide practice challenges; challenges that will spark an external form of motivation for my students. These challenges give them a tangible way to see that they are moving forward and making progress.

Our current practice challenge is the Spring 100. The purpose of the Spring 100 Practice Challenge is for students to track each time they play their targeted piece, up to 100 times.

Click here to download your FREE Spring 100 Practice Trackers.


Parents need encouragement and support too. Use these social pick-me-ups to cheer for your studio families and let them know you are in their corner.

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