PPP173: Highlights from 2019

Our gift to you – highlights from some of the most downloaded episodes of 2019. We’ve taken some of the most interesting points from the top episodes and put them all in one place with links to the episodes if you want to dig deeper.

Listen to the full episode here

PPP133: What's Really Going on When Your Piano Kid Says, "This is too hard!"

Doing new things can be challenging for all of us. Piano students are asked to do new things constantly. Once they master one concept, another is given to them without pause.

Faced with something new, in this case a new musical concept to master or a new song to play, students have to exert a lot of conscious effort. They have to intentionally think about what they want their hands to do. That is hard work! 

Piano kids will often resist and not even try because they don’t feel they will be successful. Rather than try and fail, they choose to give up. They feel like the music is too hard. Parents can help their kids look at music and their abilities differently. It’s not too hard; it’s too new.

As students practice and put in multiple, slow repetitions, their hands and muscles “learn” how to do the movement and play the notes and rhythm patterns. The effort becomes less mental and more automatic.

Listen to PPP133 here.

PPP158: How to Actually Make Progress with Playing the Piano

As a producer of a podcast, I’m sure it comes as no surprise that I am also an avid listener of podcasts. While listening to Pat Flynn’s “Smart Passive Income Podcast” recently, I discovered an interview that adapts extremely well to our piano kids.

Listen to PPP158 here.

PPP126: Build Practice Habits

James Clear has become THE person to go to to learn about productivity and building new habits. His book, Atomic Habits, was released in early 2019 and there are lots of things piano parents can learn there.

Listen to PPP126 here.

Final Thoughts

From my family to yours, Merry Christmas!!

Thanks to all the amazing teachers and parents who shared their stories on the show this year.

Special thanks to Dawn Ivers who uses her creative talent to produce most of the amazing graphics that accompany every episode of the Piano Parent Podcast.

Finally, thanks to YOU, dear podcast listener! Thank you for listening and sharing and posting your comments and questions. You are the steam that keeps us moving down the track. 

Here is the recipe for Christmas Trash that Tracy and I are making this afternoon.

Thanks for listening!

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