PPP063: PIANOVEMBER Practice Challenge

#3020 September Practice Challenge Recap

Before I jump into our next piano practice challenge, I wanted to share the ups and downs of the September Practice Challenge.


There was a lot of positive feedback from parents and teachers alike.

I received wonderful videos and photos of students working toward their practice goals.

27% of my own students met the challenge with success!

I even met the challenge myself!! (I wouldn’t have if I hadn’t taken time to plan my practices and put them on my schedule.)


Several of my students not only missed the goal of 20 days practice, they hardly practiced 10 days for the whole month. No wonder they’re not progressing like they could.

Some students were traveling and had other family outings that made getting all their practices more of a challenge.

As a piano parent, I didn’t set my own piano kid up for success. She got quite a few practices in September but she didn’t make the goal.

It’s good to evaluate successes and failures along the way. We can celebrate the successes and learn from the times we miss the mark. We can use those experiences to do better in the future, which brings me to our next challenge…

Welcome to the PIANOVEMBER Practice Challenge!


Our challenge for the month of November is to play as many songs, pieces, and original compositions as possible.

You may tally one point for every piece you play, every time you play it. You can play review pieces, old pieces, new pieces, memorized pieces, songs by ear, original compositions, or even songs on piano apps. Older students may count smaller sections of larger pieces they are studying.

Count tally points when you play at home or at grandma’s house. You may count anything EXCEPT what you play at your piano lesson…..nice try for thinking that would count but this is for music you play on your own.

Every Sunday, the top ten people with the most tallies will be featured on our Piano Parent Podcast Facebook Page and Instagram. (Be sure to follow these pages so you can see if you made the top ten!)

Signup today!

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